Get Started With Us

Interested in getting started with us? Want more information? We’d be happy to have a conversation with you to help us both to determine if there’s a potential fit. Just give us a call or send us an email

+1 (647) 368-6479


Mandeville Private Client Inc.
Kalamaras Wealth Management
100 King Street West, Suite 5708
PO Box 81
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1B1

reception/main: (647) 368-6479

toll free: +1 (888) 368-6479

fax: (416) 551-5131

Theo Kalamaras

phone: +1 (647) 368-6479 x1002

mobile: (416) 995-9228


Have a question?

If you have questions about investments or any of our services please contact us, we would be more than happy to provide answers.

It's never too late to start, we'll be ready when you are

Wealth management extends beyond investment advice and money management, helping you protect your lifestyle, manage your nest egg, plan your retirement and create your legacy